Sunday, July 31, 2011

The Original Social Network

So today I went to something called a "Freshman Year Send-off." It was in Pacific Palisades at this absolute PALACE of a house-- the thing took up three lots, easily. And there was a garden in the back and a waiter walking around with itsy bitsy chicken taco appetizers. Ritzy? Totally.

I met a fist-bumping priest that called us Freshlings and made us name the state capitals that the Missouri River goes through for no apparent reason. And then he started off on a tangent about his days as a football player in St. Louis, prompting my dad to turn around and tell me that this guy was either drunk or senile. My fellow Freshlings thought that was a riot, and to be honest, so did I.

Hanging out with all these kids made me realize how much I love talking to people. It seems silly, but it's true. There are times when I'm sitting here at home at night by myself randomly clicking around on Facebook and Twitter looking for something, and I wasn't really sure what I was looking for really. And-- allow me to get transcendental philosophical etc.-- I found it today. I'm looking for people and social stuff beyond inane updates about parties and other cryptic "Why don't u just explain urself fool" things. (Side note: dude, these updates directed at anonymous antagonists are not going to do anything other than annoy people. Stop. Por favor.) It was incredibly fun to talk to all of these totally new people about myself and next year and roommate drama.

At one point there were five of us sitting at a table eating mini red velvet cupcakes and making fun of the music (stuff like "Too Little Too Late", by two-hit wonder JoJo), so one of they guys asked what we listened to and pointed at me to start. At which point I kind of panicked, because I was like, "I'm going to say swing and Sinatra and they're going to be like, 'Whoa, really? Do you listen to like, normal stuff too? Because that's weird.'"

But they didn't.

Instead they all thought it was the coolest thing ever. And honestly, I thought it was the coolest thing ever that I'm going to be hanging out with a lot of these kids from now on. Twentydaystwentydaystwentydaystwentydaystwentydaystwentydaystwentydaystwentydays...

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